Radio Comic

For those of you that may not know, this was a band I was in many years ago. 

Oh the time flies!!!!

Anyway, take a listen by clicking on the play button. I had to copy this from
a demo tape to turn it digital, so the quality is not that great.

But, I digress, I am playing bass and singing backup. Enjoy!

*EDIT* Ok, I now have remixed the audio to clean up some of the sound. Still needs work, but I
think this brings out the sound a bit better.

And here is a picture of the band:


Shine [audio:] Mr. Jones [audio:]
Far Behind [audio:]


Shine [audio:] Mr. Jones [audio:]
Far Behind [audio:]


  1. theadamos

    It sounded good. But I am wondering WHERE IS MUSTANG SALLY? (lol). You should have been in Denver playing (lol) (LMAO)

  2. janetloeffler

    Well, you know I don’t have that flash player so I can’t even listen to it. I don’t even see a place to click on it

  3. janetloeffler

    OK, I was able to listen to the music……. now how come Mackenzie wasn’t able to get on the Webkins site

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